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A Special Message for Healers


If helping others using massage (Hebrews 6: 2 & Mark 16:18), Reiki, shamanism, herbs or any of the esoteric, metaphysical or para-psychological modalities (including but not limited to ESP; Tarot, or hypnotherapy) is part of your spiritual belief practice, you need to become an ordained minister in The Universal Light (TUL); who's mission is for its ordained ministers to administer natural healing techniques.

It does not matter what dogmatic religion you follow Wicca, Hinduism; Judaism; Islam; Buddhism or Christianity. You don't even need to follow a dogmatic religion! TUL welcomes individuals with eclectic spiritual practices to get legally ordained.


For your protection of practicing your religion, you’ll want to become an ordained minister too! Any mode of METAPHYSICAL, HOLISTIC or NATURAL HEALING is welcome!


REMEMBER: Yeshua ben Joseph ('Jesus') nor His apostles preached Scripture. He and they had healing ministries and not one of them went to a school! Today many people go to school and lack knowledge and wisdom. At The Universal Light, we believe the Creator endowed you with your own special gifts. If you wish to share your gifts with others through ministry, consider becoming an ordained minister through The Universal Light Church.

"So let everyone of you according to the gifts they have received from the Creator, minister the same to your fellowmen,"................1 Peter 4:10

If you are like many people seeking to become an ordained minister through TUL, you believe that healing is a holistic process involving body, mind, and spirit.  You are probably also aware of how detremintal to health modern medicine can be. Yet the AMA is constantly trying to get more and more States, as has Florida, to change their laws to read: ‘You cannot practice healing or health care without a license.’


We have many who have become ordained ministers in Florida even practicing Reiki without problems. We have ordained ministers in the US, Canada, England, France, Hong Kong, Spain, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Denmark, Saudi Arabia, Cyprus, Switzerland and the U.K.


The Buddha - "Every human being is the author of his own health or disease."Hippocrates (430-377 BC)-"Father of Medicine" was quoted saying ... “A physician without knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician."


Francois Voltaire (1694-1778) "Physicians pour drugs for which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, into humans of which they know nothing."


Thomas Edison (1847-1931) said, "The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."


The purpose of most ‘religions’, (belief systems) is to grow in membership.  Ours is simply to state what it is.  Most ‘Churches’   are buildings, ours is not.  There are Christians, Jews, Muslims, Wiccans, Neo Pagans, and Hindus who have become ordained and acknowledged their membership in The Universal Light (TUL) .  We embrace all .  Donald A. Rosenthal, ND.; PhD. Executive Director of the American Alternative Medical Association and the American Association of Drugless Practitioners; Dr. Marijah McCain of the Herbal Healer Academy; Dharmadevi (Alli Dahlhaus) of the Reiki Blessings Academy; and Dr. Gale Kurtz President of the Traditional School of Sacred Arts have acknowledged their membership in and have become ordained legally in TUL.  Some of your closest friends or neighbors may have become ordained ministers as well.  If you become an ordained minister with The Universal Light, your 1st Amendment rights to preach and educate about the benefits of whatever modalities you believe in, are protected.  If you become an ordained minister in a different church and its mission is focused on 'single use' ordinations for wedding officiants and not for the promotion of holistic healing through natural means (the Creator’s), you may be well advised to transfer your ordination.   Remember, if you become an ordained minister, you separate yourself from State laws regarding religious beliefs and come under the 1st. Amendment:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise therof; etc...."

Now is the time to make this move.  You cannot become an ordained minister to circumvent the law. You CAN seek ordination  to practice your religious beliefs.  If you believe in natural healing and 'alternative' healing practices like Prayer,  Reiki, Tantra, acupuncture, acupressure, reflexology, massage, Chakra balancing, yoga or some other modality and want to serve others, becoming an ordained minister with The Universal Light can help you establish a healing ministry. 

If you believe in our Mission, you can become a DEACON for a one time charge of only $7. Become an ordained Minister  in The Universal Light  if you help others and believe in our Mission.  

© 2018  by The Universal Light . The home for lightworkers.

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